The Late Great Stephanie Tubbs Jones - US House Ohio 11th District
1:29 PM
Ohio's first African American Congresswomen and my mentor, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, passed away of a brain aneurysm yesterday.
I interned for her Cleveland office during the summer following my freshman year in college and though that work is unpaid, I gained an invaluable experience. When I continued in the fall at Howard U, I'd see the Congresswoman on occasion at events and she'd speak to me or introduce me to people. I think I'm in shock.

During that same year, my friend had her cotillion and her mother was away in Iraq. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones attended and filled in for her constituent and soror who was so many miles away fighting so her daughter wouldn't have to be alone when the other girls in the cotillion acknowledged their mothers.

She wasn't superhuman or perfect but she was caring and compassionate. From what I experienced she was genuine which can be hard to come by in a world full of facades. Maybe I've found my calling. My grandmother, mother and aunt all suffered frm brain aneurysms. One in 1996, the next in 2000 and the last in 2004. You don't know how happy I will be to end 2008 healthy. Until next time...