In Other (Unimportant) News
12:43 AM
So, my room is a mess.
Partly because I do several things concurrently, partly because I hate to clean it up. Like now, I have a pile of college brochures on the floor. You may be thinking, "M, you’ve already graduated from college and you’ll be starting grad school this month, why do you need college brochures?"
Great question. Quick answer, I don’t. But somebody does. I’m thinking the youth program my church is trying to start may find them useful. I only have the brochures with pretty pics, majors and college overviews, the stuff that doesn’t really change, not the dated applications or financial aid stuff. Ah well, the life of a wanna be socially responsible/green girl turning woman(lady?).
By the way, welcome to my stream of consciousness. Not always clear, seemingly off topic but me nonetheless.