I heart this organization. Well, by now you know I like nonprofits and organizations whose mission is to fill a void, connect people or serve an honorable purpose.
Its back to school time and Donors Choose is doing it once again. A single organization that connects teachers and educators with great ideas for learning projects with people in the public who can fund them. Not huge donors or foundations, but regular people who can give $30 or $10 or fund an entire initiative to help kids learn.
When you see a project, you get background on the school (income level and general location) and after you give you receive a hand made thank you from the kids along with pictures of them using the new gift/supplies! It also shows how much has been donated. Wanna be the first to give or the last one to send that final 15 bucks.
At one school in Ohio, a teacher is seeking donations to buy iPods so her 1st grade class can create podcasts. See iPod Into The Future here.
In Modern Day Muckrakers" a teacher in DC needs an LCD projector to be able to give PowerPoint lectures. She explains how hard it is to teach visual learners in high school via PPt with no projector, I can only imagine!
The premise: "Teachers ask. You choose. Students learn." Help someone start off the year right. Feel free to browse thru the projects underway just to see how creative these teachers are, fund a project in your area or just spread the word!