I Heart Men who Care & Act - Vol. I

3:31 PM

Let's see if I can make this a regular feature. Men who make a difference...I love it.

"We tend to want to start our history with slavery and not understanding that we were free before slavery and that makes a big difference in people's mentality…We had our own identities, we had our own cultures. You didn't come from nothing, you came from something great." Dr. Williams

I love positive men.

Man of the day: Adam Morgan, great-grandson of Garrett Morgan and co-founder of The International Men of Excellence, Inc. a nonprofit working with young men in East Cleveland, OH. Hear his radio interview here: Images Radio Program – Black Studies Dept of CSU

A few things came to mind after listening to this…

Eva McCorvey wouldn't give up her seat on a bus either. She was 15 and pregnant so she didn't become famous. Not to undermine those who did make it into the public eye but just to highlight the fact that we all can contribute. You may never become famous or rich because of it, it may not be your season but your strength and dedication is needed for our collective success.

Best quote of the whole show: After talking about how he went through so many things, (being molested, having a 14 year old mom, running amuck after high school), Mr. Morgan talks about how God allowed him to go through things to better understand the people he'd meet later in life.
"I can't walk in your shoes but I can buy the brand that you have on."

His email is: Iamwhoiam8@hotmail.com. He even gave out his home number but I'm not going to post that.

Hit him up on myspace. Tell him you heard about him from me. ☺ www.myspace.com/IamWhoIam8

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