The World Traveller's Crazy Chronicles
1:49 PMSo, I love to travel. It's a new craze in my life but I love seeing how people live and famous sites. I want to go all over. In 2007, I studied abroad in Sydney, AU for 5 months and took a few pics.
See me in front of the Sydney Opera House:
And me petting 'roo at zoo:
And here on my 1st day:
So, I've developed a get-up-and-go attitude, well, on occasion. Yesterday I went to a study abroad meeting and guess what!? By the end of the 45 min session, I decided it was time to take off again. This trip will be a 2 week excursion around the world to learn about Microlending in its home. Read this short article to get an overview of Grameen Bank.
On the trip, we'll meet Muhammad Yunnus, Nobel Laureate Scholar, the country's Premier and people at several Non-Governmental Organizations.
Maybe you've guessed it, but I will be jetsetting to BANGLADESH on December 27 returning to the States on Jan. 11, 2009!!
To the land of this

I've made the decision and thats half the battle. Financing the trip will be the other half. If you'd like to donate to this worthy cause, stay tuned. I do accept checks, cash, traveler's checks, gift cards, spare change and the like. :-D