Site O' the Week:

6:22 AM

Need help managing your finances? Look no further than  Ms. K.B. taught me about this site this summer.  You can create a budget, save for retirement, pay off debt and dreaded student loans all on the same user-friendly site. No need to be a financial guru to understand the money-ese its written so anyone can understand, and even better, actually utilize the site.

The site can download, categorize and graph your spending for you, everyday! Can you believe it? I'm a little depressed because after inputting info from my checking acct. and credit card I realized I had a negative net worth, but hey! At least I know... :-/So far I'm $5 over my budget for restaurants. I can adjust my budget using the little sliding buttons or let it create a general one for me. 

So, I recommend for anyone who isn't savvy enough to be/have an investor or who just wants to keep a close eye on their moolah. Check it out!

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  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
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  • The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You - John C. Maxwell