Recommended Read: Three Cups of Tea
6:56 AM
See, sometimes judging a book by its cover is cool. :-) Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson is my pick o' the month. I haven't finished it but the cover caught me and I'm glad it did.
Mortenson takes you on a journey (no, really) he began in 1993 while hiking the 2nd largest mountain in the world. He got lost, some villagers in the Himalayas took him in and he vowed to re-pay their kindness by returning to build a school. This book is about how he did just that and created an organization that has built over 100 schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
My school is even reading it together and collecting Pennies for Peace to help the Central Asia Institute (Greg's org) build more schools. He's coming out to visit and talk about the project See here --> Three Cups of Tea Author to visit Case.
Sometimes, I never want to leave grad school. :-( Maybe I should get another degree.
Any Ideas?