So I don't watch any tv that's still on for the most part. My fave shows like Will and Grace, Golden Girls, Frasier, etc are all on DVD so I can watch them online or on my laptop at my leisure.

This was the worst invention ever.
I am just now realizing how much time I waste watching tv or even being distracted by it in the background. So this is my tv-free week. Sounds simple enough, right? Not. Last time I did this I nearly when insane, who knew my thoughts were so loud, constant and distracting? I didn't! I'd been drowning them out for forever.
So here we go. Hopefully in my new-found free time I will continue my personal growth reading list...

And for funzies so far...
Along with this movie. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room.

Any suggestions for my Reading and Educational Movie List? Let me know!

This was the worst invention ever.
I am just now realizing how much time I waste watching tv or even being distracted by it in the background. So this is my tv-free week. Sounds simple enough, right? Not. Last time I did this I nearly when insane, who knew my thoughts were so loud, constant and distracting? I didn't! I'd been drowning them out for forever.
So here we go. Hopefully in my new-found free time I will continue my personal growth reading list...

And for funzies so far...
Along with this movie. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room.

Any suggestions for my Reading and Educational Movie List? Let me know!
You know we're in a slump when thrist store sales sag. Yikes...
Sales Slow at Charity Thrift Stores

What are you doing to save money/spend less right now? Or are you changing anything? Leave me a comment, let me know!
Sales Slow at Charity Thrift Stores

What are you doing to save money/spend less right now? Or are you changing anything? Leave me a comment, let me know!
A busy day in Dhaka.
Just here thinking about the speed of life. Rush to get to work. Rush to school. Pick the kids up, homework, visit this person, return that. Always busy. I've been unemployed for 2 weeks now and I must say, I enjoy the break. Yes, I am concerned that I may run out of money but I'm not homeless (Thanks, Dad!) so I can't say I am worried about it.
In the fast-paced world we call home, what do you do when you have to do nothing? Can you even slow yourself down to consider it?
I'm just wondering...