Just What is 140 Million Gallons?
10:04 PMSo, for the past 3 months now we've been hearing about this BP oil spill.Right about now there are over 140 million gallons of oil in the Gulf. Its the largest spill in Gulf history, will cost over $100 Million to clean up and My question was and has been, just what is 140 million gallons? I need it in layman's terms. How many football stadiums is that? What's the equivalent in bathtubs?
I hear the spill is comparable to about 35,000 barrels of crude oil per day. Or even better, its equal to the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill every 1 to 2 weeks - 1.Its crazy how people can justify anything. You'd think this would be a wake up call for other types of energy and a decrease in dependence on oil yet, I am uninspired by arguments against them thus far. Oil is a dirty business. I remember visiting a National Park in Bangladesh in 2008 and hearing about the wonderful drilling being done in that beautiful place by Shell because they own the land beneath it. Great.
So what's next, people?
Ethanol anyone? You never heard about corn damaging the earth like this! Ever heard of an electric spill? We're looking into putting solar panels on the house and the next car will be electric but people think I'm being too dramatic. Excuse me for doing my part.
1. In case you wanna see it for yourself. Read here.