Does Anybody Know That You're a Christian?

8:00 PM

The video that sparked it. Does Anybody Know You're a Christian?

God is awesome. I don't know why I was on facebook or why I noticed the video post. Clicking on it was out of character let alone watching the entire video. But I watched and it floored me. I'm so glad I shared and Rosetta saw it. I didn't even know she was a Christian I mean you can assume because its a "popular" religion people might be but we never talked about it.
This also got me to thinking about 2 songs in particular "Last Jesus" and "First Love" by Kirk Franklin.

The verse in the first song that got me says,
If I say I love Jesus, but you can't see my Jesus
My words are empty, if they can't see Jesus in me
No more excuses, I give myself away
Because I may be the only Jesus they see

And the ones from First Love that have been playing over and over in my mind are:
I know they hurt you
They saw you stumble but didn’t help you
And now they left you
They were quick to pray but slow to move

It really makes me think, "How many times have I done that?" If I see someone at the lowest of lows do I provide only lip service or service? What if I am "the only Jesus" they see? Meaning, what if I am their only interaction with a Christian or their if I'm standing at the threshold either leading them closer to God or farther away, what do I do? What have I done? Would I be proud or embarrassed at my action? Crazy world...I needed this last day to put it all into perspective.

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